
Sunday 1 March 2015


Scott Pixello has been causing a stir ever since he picked up a pen. ‘Put that back sunshine,’ barked the security guard at Buckingham Palace gift-shop. 
They say the best things in life are free. Well, some unpleasant things are too but let’s go into that now. 
To enhance the quality of your life and improve the state of your finances, Keith Ramsbottom: Rebel Leader is now FREE on Amazon, B & N/Nook, itunes & Kobo. 
The legend begins here. With a mission, some togas and a boy they call Keith.

Give in to your cravings. Join the Pixelloverse.
Who the devil are you, Mr Pixello?
I am a Brit living in Germany who loves to read and write. Under a different name, I’ve had seven books of film criticism published through three different publishers (one of which is soon to be translated into Chinese- the books not the publishers, that is).
What I write is hard to define by genre- YA mostly but in terms of tone it’s a mixture of funny and thought-provoking. That’s the aim, anyway. My books should ‘shake you up’ a little, maybe even change you as a person- after reading one, you should be a little happier, a little wiser maybe. These sound like lofty aims but I don’t want to spend thousands of hours writing words that simply wash over people. Who aspires to be forgettable?

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